U.S. President Joe Biden is scheduled to give his first address to a joint session of Congress on April 28.The speech will come as Biden hits 100 days in office, an unofficial milestone upon which modern U.S. presidents have been judged for what their administrations have accomplished at the start of their four-year term.The address will take place in the House of Representatives. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi invited Biden to speak in a letter Tuesday, asking him to “share your vision for addressing the challenges and opportunities of this historic moment.”A White House statement said Biden accepted.It was not immediately clear how the event will be handled considering the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and health precautions.Joint sessions typically feature a packed House chamber with members of the House and Senate along with guests watching from the gallery above.Current House guidelines require lawmakers to conduct floor votes and other business in smaller groups, while everyone is required to wear masks and members of the public are not allowed to visit the chamber.

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