Maine Court Puts Trump Ballot Decision on Hold Until After US Supreme Court Acts

Washington — A Maine court on Wednesday ordered the state’s top election official to reevaluate a decision to bar former President Donald Trump from the Republican primary ballot after the U.S. Supreme Court rules on a related case from Colorado.  State Superior Court Judge Michaela Murphy found that the Supreme Court’s decision to take the Colorado case “changes everything about the order in which these issues should be decided and by which court.”  The judge ordered Maine Secretary of State Shanna Bellows, a Democrat, to reassess her decision to bar Trump from the ballot within 30 days after the Supreme Courtmore

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Dangerous Cold Snap Blankets Iowa Ahead of Caucus

As Democrats shift their presidential preference caucus to mail-in balloting in Iowa with incumbent President Joe Biden the likely winner, Republicans take center stage during Iowa’s 2024 Caucus, when supporters assemble in person to choose their candidate for the Republican nomination. VOA’s Kane Farabaugh reports from Iowa. …

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Dangerous Cold Snap Blankets Iowa Ahead of Caucuses

des moines, iowa — First it was the snow, then the bitter cold temperatures that iced out most of the campaign events in the U.S. Midwestern state of Iowa the weekend before the January 15 caucuses. Former President Donald Trump, who has spent much of the week before the caucuses outside of the state, canceled most of his in-person events because of the weather. Former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley moved many of her events online. “It will make the non-passionate people stay home, and the passionate people will come out,” said Carson Odle, who was undeterred by the bad weathermore

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US Congressional Leaders Prepare Bill to Fund Government to March

WASHINGTON — Congressional leaders are preparing a stopgap bill to keep the federal government running into March and avoid a partial shutdown next week. The temporary measure will run to March 1 for some federal agencies whose approved funds are set to run out Friday and extend the remainder of government operations to March 8. That’s according to a person familiar with the situation and granted anonymity to discuss it. Several media outlets are also reporting on the agreement to keep the government open. The stopgap bill, expected to be released Sunday, would come as House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., hasmore

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House Republicans Aim to Impeach US Homeland Secretary

Washington — House Republicans held their first impeachment hearing Wednesday against Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over his handling of what they called the crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border. In a 20-minute opening statement, Mark Green, the Republican chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, shared what he said was evidence that supports impeaching a Cabinet secretary. “Secretary Mayorkas has brazenly refused to enforce the laws passed by Congress that knowingly made our country less safe,” he said. Republicans blame Mayorkas for the high numbers of migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border and said the Republican Party has undertaken amore

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US Senator Menendez Seeks Dismissal of Criminal Charges

NEW YORK — Senator Bob Menendez on Wednesday sought dismissal of charges, including bribery, as his lawyers told a judge that New York federal prosecutors are making claims that are “outrageously false” and “distort reality.” The New Jersey Democrat and his wife pleaded not guilty after they were charged last fall with accepting bribes of gold bars, cash and a luxury car in return for help from the senator that would benefit three New Jersey businessmen, who were also arrested and pleaded not guilty. The indictment has since been updated with charges alleging that Menendez used his political influence to secretlymore

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US Lawmakers Back in Session, Working on Border Security, Ukraine Aid

WASHINGTON — U.S. lawmakers came back into session this week after a three-week holiday break to continue work toward a deal on border security in return for Republican votes to send more aid to Ukraine. “We are closer to an agreement than we have been since the beginning of these talks,” Democratic Senator Chris Murphy, one of the lead negotiators on the deal, told reporters Tuesday. “I wish that we weren’t in this position. I wish that Senate Republicans supported Ukraine aid because they believe in Ukraine,” he said. “I wish that we weren’t conditioning support for Ukraine upon the resolutionmore

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Iowa Caucus – Visual Explainer

On January 15, the 2024 U.S. presidential election season will officially kick off with the Iowa caucuses. Republican candidates including Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, Chris Christie, and Vivek Ramaswamy will seek to unseat the current front-runner, former President Donald Trump, as the party’s eventual nominee to challenge incumbent President Joe Biden in November’s general election. (Produced by: Alex Gendler) …

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Half the World to Vote in 2024, With Global Ramifications

LONDON — 2024 will pose a major test of democratic rule as an estimated 4 billion people in more than 50 nations — almost half the world’s population — are set to vote in national elections, with the outcomes likely to shape global politics for years or decades to come. Bangladesh began 2024 with the first major election of the year as Sheikh Hasina won a fifth term as prime minister Saturday. Opposition parties boycotted the vote over complaints that it was neither free nor fair. A crucial presidential election is due to take place on the self-governing island of Taiwanmore

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Trump Downplays Jan. 6 Capitol Siege, Calls Jailed Rioters ‘Hostages’

NEWTON, Iowa — Former President Donald Trump, campaigning in Iowa on Saturday, marked the third anniversary of the January 6, 2021, assault on the U.S. Capitol by casting the migrant surge on the southern border as the “real” insurrection. Just over a week before the Republican nomination process begins with Iowa’s kickoff caucuses, Trump did not explicitly acknowledge the date. But he continued to claim that countries have been emptying jails and mental institutions to fuel a record number of migrant crossings, even though there is no evidence that is the case. “When you talk about insurrection, what they’re doing, that’smore

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NY Seeks $370M in Penalties in Trump’s Civil Fraud Trial

NEW YORK — New York state lawyers increased their request for penalties to over $370 million Friday in Donald Trump’s civil business fraud trial. He retorted: “They should pay me.” The exchange came as lawyers for both sides filed papers highlighting their takeaways from the trial in court filings ahead of closing arguments, set for next Thursday. Trump is expected to attend, though plans could change. It will be the final chance for state and defense lawyers to make their cases. The civil lawsuit, which accuses the leading Republican presidential hopeful of deceiving banks and insurers by vastly inflating his netmore

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НАБУ викрило п’ятьох дегенератів із заволодіння 1200 га державних земель під Києвом

НАБУ викрило розкрадання земель під Києвом вартістю майже 2 млрд грн. 15 серпня 2023 року НАБУ і САП викрили 5 осіб – учасників організованої групи, яка заволоділа земельними ділянками під Києвом площею понад 1200 га. Їх дії призвели до заподіяння понад 1,8 млрд грн збитків державі. Серед підозрюваних: – колишній заступник керівника ДП «Головний науково-дослідний та проектний інститут Землеустрою» — організатор схеми; – двоє колишніх посадовців ГУ Держгеокадастру в Київській області – виконавці злочину (один із них – наразі керівник одного з ЦОВВ); – двоє фізичних осіб, пов’язаних із екскерівництвом Держгеокадастру – пособники злочину. Дії осіб кваліфіковані за ч. 5more

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Бригада Нацгвардії Київської області безпідставно нараховувала собі бойові премії

СБУ викрила «тилових» командирів Нацгвардії, які незаконно присвоїли собі майже 14 млн «бойових» премій. Військова контррозвідка Служби безпеки спільно з ДБР та за сприяння нового керівництва Національної гвардії викрила у лавах Нацгвардії ще одну «схему» безпідставного нарахування премій за нібито участь у боях на передовій. Цього разу на оборудках з державними грошима викрито командування однієї з бригад військового формування, яка дислокується на Київщині. З першого дня повномасштабного вторгнення рф і до серпня 2022 року фігуранти незаконно «преміювали» себе на загальну суму майже 14 млн бюджетних гривень. Посадовці безпідставно нараховували собі та своїм підлеглим щомісячну доплату у розмірі 100 тис. грн,more

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Очільник Нацполіції України Іван Вигівський проти надання зброї українцям

У Нацполіції вважають, що українці готові до легалізації зброї. Водночас службовець проти носіння “короткостволів” на вулицях. Наразі суспільство більше готове до легалізації зброї, ніж раніше. Про це заявив очільник Національної поліції України Іван Вигівський. Водночас, очільник Нацполіції виступає проти носіння “короткостволів” посеред вулиці. За його словами, у людей має бути культура поводження зі зброєю. До прикладу, її можна надавати тим, хто вже має певний досвід володіння зброєю. Під час напрацювання законопроєкту, в якому розглядається питання володіння короткоствольною вогнепальною зброєю для всіх категорій громадян, неодноразово збирались з правоохоронним комітетом Верховної Ради, обговорювали це питання в робочих групах, зазначив очільник Нацполіції. Єmore

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Актор гліб михайличенко, який раніше виступав для ЗСУ, втік до кацапів

Актор, який грав у київському Театрі юного глядача на Липках, тепер працює на російську компанію, що спеціалізується на створенні інтерв’ю та інших комерційних відеороликів і навіть знімається в рекламі цієї компанії. При цьому на початку повномасштабного російського вторгнення Гліб Михайличенко виступав для бійців ЗСУ. «А коли актор в 2022 їздить з концертами до наших військових, а в 2023 опиняється в росіі. Це як? Мені хтось може пояснити що там в голові? Яка ж мудра казочка Фарбований Лис, і скільки ще чарівних перевтілень до і після Перемоги очікує нас», — прокоментувала Римма Зюбіна. Керівництво театру також висловилося про Михайличенка, який зрадивmore

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Republican Party Consolidates Control of Deep South Statehouses

NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA — The January 8 inauguration of Jeff Landry as Louisiana governor consolidates Republican Party control of statehouses in America’s Deep South and the region’s shift to more conservative governance. Nearly 60% of Louisiana voters chose Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election. Republicans are ready for change at the statehouse in Baton Rouge. As a candidate and as the state’s attorney general, Landry backed banning gender-affirming medical care for transgender youths, expanding rights for gun owners and enacting a near-total abortion ban without exceptions for rape and incest. “I’m tired of the government doing everything for everybody, becausemore

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California Expanding Health Care for Low-Income Immigrants in 2024

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — More than 700,000 immigrants living illegally in California will gain access to free health care starting Monday under one of the state’s most ambitious coverage expansions in a decade. It’s an effort that will eventually cost the state about $3.1 billion per year and inches California closer to Democrats’ goal of providing universal health care to its roughly 39 million residents. Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom and lawmakers agreed in 2022 to provide health care access to all low-income adults regardless of their immigration status through the state’s Medicaid program, known as Medi-Cal. California is the most populous statemore

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Retirements Could Tip Control of US House Majority

WASHINGTON — A chaotic year for the House is coming to a close with more Democrats than Republicans deciding to leave the chamber, a disparity that could have major ramifications in next year’s elections. About two dozen Democrats have indicated they won’t seek reelection, with half running for another elected office. Meanwhile, only 14 Republicans have said they are not seeking another term, with three seeking elected office elsewhere. More retirements can be expected after the holidays, when lawmakers have had a chance to spend time with families and make decisions ahead of reelection deadlines. But so far, the numbers don’tmore

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Maine Bars Trump From Ballot, Cites 14th Amendment

portland, maine — Maine’s Democratic secretary of state on Thursday removed former President Donald Trump from the state’s presidential primary ballot under the Constitution’s insurrection clause, becoming the first election official to take action unilaterally as the U.S. Supreme Court is poised to decide whether Trump remains eligible to continue his campaign. The decision by Secretary of State Shenna Bellows follows a ruling earlier this month by the Colorado Supreme Court that booted Trump from the ballot there under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. That decision has been stayed until the U.S. Supreme Court decides whether Trump is barred bymore

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