Jan 6. Robert Palmer Timeline
Leave a commentAS PREPARED FOR DELIVERY Madam Speaker, Madam Vice President, our First Lady and Second Gentleman. Members of Congress and the Cabinet. Justices of the Supreme Court. My fellow Americans. Last year COVID-19 kept us apart. This year we are finally together again. Tonight, we meet as Democrats Republicans and Independents. But most importantly as Americans. With a duty to one another to the American people to the Constitution. And with an unwavering resolve that freedom will always triumph over tyranny. Six days ago, Russia’s Vladimir Putin sought to shake the foundations of the free world thinking he could makemore
Leave a commentTexas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott easily bested a group of conservative challengers to lock up his party’s nomination Tuesday and will face Democrat Beto O’Rourke in the November general election. O’Rourke, who nearly ousted Texas Sen. Ted Cruz in 2018, will get the chance to try for an even bigger upset in November. He’ll be an underdog against Abbott, who began the campaign with more than $50 million and hardline positions on abortion guns and immigration. Some of those casting ballots, however, said they were worried that new restrictions on abortion, the toughest in America, go too far. “That’s wheremore
Leave a commentThe Justice Department launched one of the largest and most complex criminal investigations in its history after a mob of Donald Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol over a year ago. Now it’s time for a jury to hear some of the government’s evidence about the unparalleled attack on American democracy. The first trial for one of the hundreds of Capitol riot prosecutions begins this week, with jury selection starting Monday in the case against Guy Wesley Reffitt. The Texas man is charged with bringing a gun onto Capitol grounds, interfering with police officers guarding the building, and threatening hismore
Leave a commentFace coverings are now optional for President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address Tuesday, as Congress is lifting its mask requirement on the House floor after federal regulators eased guidelines last week in a rethinking of the nation’s strategy to adapt to living with a more manageable COVID-19. Congress’ Office of the Attending Physician announced the policy change Sunday, lifting a requirement that has been in place for much of the past two years and had become a partisan flashpoint on Capitol Hill. The change ahead of the speech will avoid a potential disruptive display of national tensions andmore
Leave a commentThe use of wind to generate electricity for the United States has been thrust forward with the largest-ever offering by the federal government of offshore development rights. Three days of bidding, which ended Friday, for the 197,000 hectares of the New York Bight — an area of shallow waters between the coasts of Long Island (in New York state) and the state of New Jersey — attracted record-setting prices, according to the federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. “This week’s offshore wind sale makes one thing clear: the enthusiasm for the clean energy economy is undeniable and it’s here to stay,” said Interior Secretarymore
Leave a commentIn the days since it became clear that Russian President Vladimir Putin was about to order a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, many Republican politicians in the United States have taken the opportunity to suggest that if Donald Trump were still president, Putin would not have taken such a cataclysmic step. It’s an argument that some experts on Russia policy agree with – just not for the reasons being put forward by critics of President Joe Biden, a Democrat. The dominant narrative among many in the GOP was articulated Wednesday by South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, who said on Foxmore
Leave a commentPresident Joe Biden has interviewed at least three candidates for the Supreme Court, according to a person familiar with the matter, and the White House is reiterating that he remains on track to make a final selection by Monday. White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Tuesday that Biden had not decided whom to nominate. But the president has interviewed Judges Ketanji Brown Jackson, J. Michelle Childs and Leondra Kruger, according to a person familiar with the matter. A second person familiar said Biden had interviewed at least three candidates for the post. The people spoke on the condition ofmore
Leave a commentTop U.S. lawmakers on Wednesday called Russian President Vladimir Putin’s incursion into the occupied regions of Donetsk and Luhansk in eastern Ukraine an assault on democracy. “It’s stunning to see – in this day and age – a tyrant rolling into a country. This is the same tyrant who attacked our democracy in 2016,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in a press conference, recalling Putin’s interference in U.S. elections. Pelosi and other top Democrats returning from participation in the Munich Security Conference this week praised President Joe Biden for working with European allies to maintain a united front in deterringmore
Leave a commentA New York State Supreme Court judge on Thursday ruled that former President Donald Trump and his two oldest children will have to submit to questioning by the state’s attorney general in a civil investigation into potential fraud at the Trump Organization. Attorneys representing Trump, his son Donald Trump Jr. and his daughter Ivanka Trump had moved to have subpoenas for their testimony canceled. They contended that it was improper for New York Attorney General Letitia James to be pursuing both a civil and a criminal investigation at the same time. James is cooperating in a criminal case that wasmore
Leave a commentA federal judge on Friday rejected efforts by former President Donald Trump to toss out conspiracy lawsuits filed by lawmakers and two Capitol police officers, saying in his ruling that the former president’s words “plausibly” led to the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection. U.S. District Court Judge Amit Mehta said in his ruling that Trump’s words during a rally before the violent storming of the U.S. Capitol were likely “words of incitement not protected by the First Amendment.” “Only in the most extraordinary circumstances could a court not recognize that the First Amendment protects a president’s speech,” Mehta wrote. “But themore
Leave a commentClassified information was found in the 15 boxes of White House records that were stored at former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence, the National Archives and Records Administration said Friday in a letter that confirmed the matter had been sent to the Justice Department. The letter from the agency followed numerous reports about Trump’s handling of sensitive and even classified information during his time as president and after he left the White House. The revelation could also interest federal investigators responsible for policing the handling of government secrets, though the Justice Department and FBI have not indicated they will pursuemore
Leave a commentRepublican lawmakers in several states are scaling back access to government business, extending pandemic-era rules that restrict when journalists can report from the floors of state legislative chambers and, in effect, making it easier to dodge the press. As the public returns to the corridors of state capitols, new rules approved in Iowa last month and in Utah this week critically limit reporters’ access to lawmakers, sparking an outcry from media organizations and press advocates. “It is critical that there is some accountability with respect to those who have tremendous power, such as you,” Lauren Gustus, the executive editor ofmore
Leave a commentPresident Joe Biden on Thursday visited a small, deindustrialized Ohio steel town to tout his ambitious multi-trillion-dollar proposed spending plan, to announce a $1 billion initiative for environmental cleanup and restoration, and to court voters in a crucial state ahead of this year’s tightly contested midterm elections. “Today, we’re announcing an investment of $1 billion — $1 billion — from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill,” he said, speaking to about 60 invited guests, including members of Congress, local elected officials and labor leaders at a shipyard in the lakeside town of Lorain, Ohio. “It’s going to allow the most significant restorationmore
Leave a commentThe Senate gave final approval Thursday to legislation averting a weekend government shutdown, sending President Joe Biden a measure designed to give bipartisan bargainers more time to reach an overdue deal financing federal agencies until fall. Final passage was by a bipartisan 65-27 vote, five more than the 60 votes needed. The House easily approved the legislation last week. Each party had concluded that an election-year shutdown would be politically damaging, especially during a pandemic and a confrontation with Russia over its possible invasion of Ukraine. Yet as with virtually all must-pass bills, politics hitched a ride. Before passage,more
Leave a commentA judge ruled Thursday that former President Donald Trump must answer questions under oath in New York state’s civil investigation into his business practices. Judge Arthur Engoron ordered Trump and his two eldest children, Ivanka and Donald Trump Jr., to comply with subpoenas issued in December by New York Attorney General Letitia James. Trump and his two children must sit for a deposition within 21 days, Engoron said. Engoron issued the ruling after a two-hour hearing with lawyers for the Trumps and James’ office. “In the final analysis, a State Attorney General commences investigating a business entity, uncovers copious evidencemore
Leave a commentU.S. lawmakers struggled to agree this week on sanctions to deter Russia’s Vladimir Putin from a possible Ukraine invasion. VOA Congressional Correspondent Katherine Gypson says that despite the snag, there is still pressure to mount a unified U.S. response. Producer: Katherine Gypson. …
Leave a commentThe families of nine victims of a massacre at an elementary school nearly ten years ago in the northeastern U.S. state of Connecticut reached a $73 million settlement Tuesday in a lawsuit against Remington Arms, the maker of the rifle used in the mass killing. The settlement is a rare instance of a U.S. gunmaker paying damages for bloodshed arising from the criminal use of a firearm. “While this settlement does not erase the pain of that tragic day, it does begin the necessary work of holding gun manufacturers accountable for manufacturing weapons of war and irresponsibly marketing these firearms,”more
Leave a commentСтало відомо, що станом на 12-00 14 лютого, за межами України перебуває 23 народні депутати. Список нардепів, які на сьогодні не перебувають в Україні, джерела в правоохоронних органах передали журналістам. Також серед даних є інформація, де саме вони перебувають та коли покинули Україну: Кива Ілля (ОПЗЖ), 30 січня відправився в Аліканте (Іспанія); Королевська Наталія (ОПЗЖ), 9 лютого полетіла в Ригу (Латвія); Льовочкін Сергій (ОПЗЖ), 10 лютого полетів до Венеції (Італія); Львочкіна Юлія (ОПЗЖ), 26 січня відправилась у Ніццу (Франція); Рабінович Вадим (ОПЗЖ), 3 лютого полетів у Тель-Авів (Ізраїль); Новинський Вадим (позафракційний), 10 лютого відправився у Мюнхен (Німеччина); Устінова Олександра (“Голос”),more
Leave a commentЧас створити петицію про заборону повернення назад в Україну олігархів та проросійських колаборантів, які тікають в тяжкий для України час. Шкода, що Конституція не дозволяє їх назад не пускати, бо ті мають українське громадянство( Українські олігархи патріотично відреагували на ймовірну нову атаку Росії на Україну. У неділю, 13 лютого, з України вилетіло до двох десятків чартерів та рейсів приватних літаків. За ситуацією в небі стежили журналісти, які зробили скріншоти вильотів, що відображаються в ситстемі «Флайрадар». Серед чартерів та приватних літаків, що залишили Україну в неділю, — борти олігарха Ріната Ахметова та Бориса Колесникова. Приватний борт на 50 осіб замовив нардепmore
Leave a commentПосол України у Великій Британії Вадим Пристайко припустив, що Україна може відмовитись від вступу в НАТО, якщо її до цього змусять обставини. Про це він заявив в інтерв’ю BBC Radio 5 Live. На запитання ведучого, чи може Україна розглянути варіант не вступати в НАТО, Пристайко відповів: “Ми могли б”. Дипломат уточнив, що “враховуючи ту загрозу, яка є”, Україна могла б бути вимушеною піти на такий крок. “Запитання, яке ставить собі 40-мільйонна країна, як ми виживемо, якщо вони (Росія – Ред.) прийдуть завтра?” – заявив Пристайко, зазначивши, що Україна може залишитися беззахисною в той час, як всі її західні сусіди єmore
Leave a commentВночі 10 лютого на трасі Чугуїв – Мартове автомобіль збив на смерть чоловіка, на місці ДТП знайшли автомобільні номери з кортежу бізнесмена Олександра Ярославського. Пряма мова нашого джерела: “Трохи після півночі до поліції надійшов дзвінок, що на трасі Чугуїв – Мартове збили людину. Це сталося ближче до Мартового. Загинув чоловік, середніх років. Нікого поруч не було. На місці знайшли номери 0018”. Як стало відомо, такі номери має передня машина кортежу Ярославського, а Ярославський часто сам водить авто. Пізніше до поліції подзвонив чоловік, який повідомив, що став учасником ДТП біля Мартового, і що прийде до райвідділу дати свідчення. Згодом, міністр внутрішніхmore
Leave a commentАліна Паш підробила довідку від наших прикордонників щодо її поїздки у окупований Крим. Учора представники співачки опублікували «документ від ДПСУ» про те, що нібито вона у серпні 2015 року відвідувала окупований Крим через адмінкордон у Херсонській області. Причина такої публікації проста — згідно з правилами добору на Євробачення виконавець не може брати участь у ньому у разі, якщо незаконно відвідував окупований Крим. Законно потрапити на окуповану територію можна лише через пункти пропуску ДПСУ. Будь-які візити до Криму з території РФ є протиправними. Та ми маємо дуже серйозні та обґрунтовані підстави стверджувати, що «довідка», оприлюднена командою Аліни Паш є підробленою. Зmore
Leave a commentПов’язана з колишнім головою Офісу президента Андрієм Богданом компанія бореться в судах за право приватизувати нерухомість національного меморіального комплексу “Батьківщина-Мати”. Господарський суд столиці ухвалив рішення, яке по суті дозволяє його приватизацію. Компанія “Архітектурна майстерня Інка” у 2015 році уклала договір із Фондом держмайна щодо оренди зазначеного активу. Згідно з договором, на той момент приватизація цих об’єктів була заборонена за жодних умов. У грудні 2020 року орендар звернувся до Господарського суду Києва з вимогою визнати договір недійсним та дозволити їм приватизацію частини меморіального комплексу. Фактичним власником ТОВ “Архітектурна майстерня Інка” до 2018 року був ексадвокат Ігоря Коломойського та ексголова Офісу президентаmore
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