Virtual Convention Offers New Opportunities for Political Parties to Connect

Political conventions have always been considered a four-day television commercial for political parties and their presidential candidates. The 2020 Democratic National Convention is taking that to a new level with its virtual convention.Forced by the coronavirus pandemic to rethink how to stage a convention, Democrats changed what was once a slickly produced live event with politicians speaking from a podium in an arena filled with people. Instead, it appears they are bringing the convention to the people, using short videos to create an atmosphere of watching a social media feed.Vanessa Beasley, communications professor at Vanderbilt University, said eliminating the crowdedmore

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Med Students Lose Empathy After Second Year, Study Finds

While medical school students gain key healing skills as their education progresses, one important quality seems to wane: empathy.According to a study from FILE – Medical students hug during a demonstration, June 5, 2020, in Salt Lake City, Utah.DOs are fully licensed physicians who practice in all areas of medicine, according to the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine (AACOM),  and empathy is an important part of their program.“Emphasizing a whole-person approach to treatment and care, DOs are trained to listen and partner with their patients to help them get healthy and stay well,” according to the American Osteopathicmore

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В путляндии всё совсем плохо: обиженный карлик пукин запустил печатный станок

В путляндии всё совсем плохо: обиженный карлик пукин запустил печатный станок. Трудно сказать, достаточно ли этого, чтобы обеспечить деревянными всех желающих и отказаться от долларов, фунтов и евро, но обиженный дед явно тронулся рассудком       Для распространения вашего видео или сообщения в Сети Правды пишите сюда, или на email:     Лучшие предложения товаров и услуг в Сети SeLLines     Ваши потенциальные клиенты о нужных им товарах и услугах пишут здесь: MeNeedit  

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Точка невозврата пройдена, протестующие белорусы развелись с лукашеску!

Точка невозврата пройдена, протестующие белорусы развелись с лукашеску! Маньяк лукашеску перешул рубеж, за которым у него не будет больше преждей народной любви       Для распространения вашего видео или сообщения в Сети Правды пишите сюда, или на email:     Лучшие предложения товаров и услуг в Сети SeLLines     Ваши потенциальные клиенты о нужных им товарах и услугах пишут здесь: MeNeedit  

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Китай отказался покупать вонючие газы обиженного карлика пукина и убивает газпром

Китай отказался покупать вонючие газы обиженного карлика пукина, даже в нарушение контракта. Поставкам – труба: «немощь сибири» и «турецкий поток» скоро разорят «газпром»…       Для распространения вашего видео или сообщения в Сети Правды пишите сюда, или на email:     Лучшие предложения товаров и услуг в Сети SeLLines     Ваши потенциальные клиенты о нужных им товарах и услугах пишут здесь: MeNeedit  

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“Убери телефон, жестоко накажу!”, маньяк лукашеску напал на рабочего завода

“Убери телефон, жестоко накажу!”, маньяк лукашеску напал на рабочего завода. Дегенерат лукашеску пытается тянуть время, чтобы поссорить своих оппонентов, но получает обратный эффект       Для распространения вашего видео или сообщения в Сети Правды пишите сюда, или на email:     Лучшие предложения товаров и услуг в Сети SeLLines     Ваши потенциальные клиенты о нужных им товарах и услугах пишут здесь: MeNeedit  

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Карлик “цап-царап” провалился: вакцина “проверенная на его дочери” смешит всех…

Карлик “цап-царап” провалился: вакцина “проверенная на его дочери” смешит всех… Цивилизованный мир спокойно дождется окончания третьей фазы клинических испытаний тех семи вакцин, которые сейчас до нее добрались и будет использовать одну или несколько наиболее эффективных и безопасных       Для распространения вашего видео или сообщения в Сети Правды пишите сюда, или на email:     Лучшие предложения товаров и услуг в Сети SeLLines     Ваши потенциальные клиенты о нужных им товарах и услугах пишут здесь: MeNeedit  

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Democrats Hope Unconventional Travelogue Entices Viewers

An unexpected travelogue connected as a television event during the second night of the Democrats’ virtual convention, livening up a show that so far is struggling in the ratings. The roll call vote that formally sealed Joe Biden’s nomination as the Democratic candidate for president Tuesday came from sites in the 50 states and territories. Biden received votes from the foot of the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Alabama and from the parents of murdered hate crime victim Matthew Shepard in Wyoming. It became a guessing game for viewers: Where will my state’s delegates speak from? Washington Post editor Tanya Sichynskymore

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Democrats Officially Nominate Joe Biden for US President

Democrats formally nominated former Vice President Joe Biden as their candidate for president Tuesday, during the second night of an extraordinary virtual convention that included criticism of President Donald Trump from Republicans as well as Democrats, and personal stories of Biden as a public servant, father and husband. White House Correspondent Patsy Widakuswara has this story from Wilmington, Delaware. …

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Democrats Officially Nominate Joe Biden as Their Presidential Candidate

U.S. Democrats officially nominated former Vice President Joe Biden Tuesday to be their candidate in the November presidential election on another evening in which prominent Republicans joined with Democrats in criticizing President Donald Trump while praising Biden’s leadership skills.  Biden had been the party’s presumptive nominee for months after outlasting a crowded field of Democratic presidential hopefuls in state-by-state primary and caucus votes, including his closest rival, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont. On the second night of the Democratic National Convention, the traditional roll call vote of states officially picking the party nominee featured representatives speaking from their states and territories pledging their support for Biden as he now runs against Trump,more

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Sanders Urges Progressives to Keep Agenda Alive with Vote for Biden

For the second time in four years, progressive voters’ hopes to elevate Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont to the top of the Democratic ticket were dashed this spring, when Sanders’ call for a social revolution and Medicare for All fell flat, and former Vice President Joe Biden surged to victory in the race for the presidential nomination. In 2016, many of these same liberal Democrats decided to sit out the general election after Hillary Clinton edged out Sanders for the Democratic presidential nomination – and Sanders appeared half-hearted in urging them to back Clinton at the polls.  But Sanders made amore

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Mississippi Group Narrows Flag Options to 5

A group recommending a new Mississippi state flag chose five final designs Tuesday — three with a magnolia blossom, one with a magnolia tree and one with a shield that has wavy lines representing water. Mississippi legislators voted in late June to retire the last state flag in the U.S. with the Confederate battle emblem that’s broadly condemned as racist. “When the flag came down, it was one of the great days of my life,” Reuben Anderson, chairman of a nine-member flag commission, said during Tuesday’s meeting. The law shelving the old flag created the commission to come up with a new designmore

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