DC University Investigating White Professor Who Claimed to Be Black

George Washington University is investigating the case of a history professor who allegedly admitted to fraudulently pretending to be a Black woman for her entire career.In a blog post that has gained international attention, a writer claiming to be Jessica Krug, a GW associate professor of history, writes that she is in fact a white Jewish woman.”I concealed my past as a white Jewish child from the residential suburbs of Kansas City in favor of several black identities that I was not allowed to claim: first Black from North Africa, then African-American , and finally Black from the Bronx, ofmore

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Pelosi Takes Heat Over Visit to California Salon

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is getting heat over a solo hair salon visit in San Francisco at a time when California businesses are limited by concern over coronavirus.But Pelosi’s spokesman said she was complying with the rules as presented to her by eSalon SF. “This business offered for the Speaker to come in on Monday and told her they were allowed by the city to have one customer at a time in the business,” said spokesman Drew Hammill in a statement. “The Speaker complied with the rules as presented to her by this establishment.” Footage aired by Fox News Channelmore

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North Carolina Kicks Off Mail Voting as Requests Spike

Mail balloting in the presidential election is set to begin Friday as North Carolina starts sending out more than 600,000 ballots to voters — responding to a massive spike in requests that has played out across the country as voters look for a safer way to cast ballots during the pandemic.     The 618,000 ballots requested in the initial wave in North Carolina were more than 16 times the number the state sent out at the same time four years ago. The requests came overwhelmingly from Democratic and independent voters, a reflection of a new partisan divide over mailmore

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Истерика зелёного карлика. Месть депутату Леросу за унижение придурка

Истерика зелёного карлика. Месть депутату Леросу за унижение придурка       Для распространения вашего видео или сообщения в Сети Правды пишите сюда, или на email: pravdaua@email.cz     Лучшие предложения товаров и услуг в Сети SeLLines     Ваши потенциальные клиенты о нужных им товарах и услугах пишут здесь: MeNeedit  

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Эрдоган обламал обиженному карлику пукину «хотелку» по Ближнему Востоку

Эрдоган обламал обиженному карлику пукину «хотелку» по Ближнему Востоку. Как и ожидалось, провальные действия путляндии на Ближнем Востоке очень сильно тревожат остатки ума обиженного карлика пукина       Для распространения вашего видео или сообщения в Сети Правды пишите сюда, или на email: pravdaua@email.cz     Лучшие предложения товаров и услуг в Сети SeLLines     Ваши потенциальные клиенты о нужных им товарах и услугах пишут здесь: MeNeedit  

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Плати за кота: зоосхематоз від Верховної ради зеленого карлика

Плати за кота: зоосхематоз від Верховної ради зеленого карлика. Кожне скликання парламенту дегенерат антон яценко придумує нові ідеї, як витягти з вас гроші. За Ющенка його схеми витягували гроші з тих, хто брав участь у держзакупівлях. За кривавого януковича – з тих, хто купував-продавав майно, за Порошенка – з власників нерухомості. А зараз зможуть збирати гроші з власників будь-якої тварини: собак, котів, хомячків чи папуг – все одно. Все завдяки новому законопроєкту про державний реєстр тварин та “агентів з ідентифікації”. Чому це погано:       Для поширення вашого відео чи повідомлення в Мережі Правди пишіть сюди, або на email:more

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Вот и всё! Германия прекращает сотрудничество с обиженным карликом пукиным!

Вот и всё! Германия прекращает сотрудничество с обиженным карликом пукиным! Последние новости путляндии и мира, экономика, бизнес, культура, технологии, спорт       Для распространения вашего видео или сообщения в Сети Правды пишите сюда, или на email: pravdaua@email.cz     Лучшие предложения товаров и услуг в Сети SeLLines     Ваши потенциальные клиенты о нужных им товарах и услугах пишут здесь: MeNeedit  

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Зе-страх Майдана, слив Одессы, долги по зарплате и диктат холодильника

Зе-страх Майдана, слив Одессы, долги по зарплате и диктат холодильника       Для распространения вашего видео или сообщения в Сети Правды пишите сюда, или на email: pravdaua@email.cz     Лучшие предложения товаров и услуг в Сети SeLLines     Ваши потенциальные клиенты о нужных им товарах и услугах пишут здесь: MeNeedit  

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University of Oklahoma Students: Virus Response Inadequate

More than a dozen students gathered outside the University of Oklahoma’s administration building Thursday to protest what they say is an inadequate response to the coronavirus pandemic.Students are violating the university and the city of Norman’s mask mandates at bars, restaurants and at fraternity and sorority functions, OU student Kellie Dick, a senior from Shawnee, told The Associated Press.”We really need people to wear their masks, I don’t want this to kill any more people than it already has,” Dick said.There are a reported 909 newly confirmed coronavirus cases in Oklahoma on Thursday and 14 more deaths due to COVID-19,more

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Trump Denies Report That he Spoke Disparagingly of US War Dead

President Donald Trump strongly denied on Thursday a magazine report saying he had spoken disparagingly about fallen U.S. military personnel buried in Europe and declined to visit an American cemetery during a trip to France because he thought it unimportant.The Atlantic reported that Trump, a Republican who is running for reelection and who has touted his record helping U.S. veterans, had referred to Marines buried in an American cemetery near Paris as “losers” and declined to visit in 2018 because of concern that the rain that day would mess up his hair.Trump told reporters on Thursday the story was false.”Tomore

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‘Follow Your Vote,’ Trump Tells Mail-in Ballot Voters

President Donald Trump has introduced more confusion into what already stands to be America’s most difficult presidential election in modern times by suggesting — and then partly backing away from — a legally dubious scheme in which his supporters would try to vote twice in order to test voting safeguards.“Let them send it in and let them go vote,” Trump said in an interview on Wednesday with WECT-TV in Wilmington, North Carolina. “And if the system is as good as they say it is, then obviously they won’t be able to vote” in person.On Thursday in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, Trump seeminglymore

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EPA Chief Pledges More Cleanups, Less Focus on Climate

Environmental Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler on Thursday defended the Trump administration’s record on protecting the nation’s air and water and said a second term would bring a greater focus on pollution cleanups in disadvantaged communities and less emphasis on climate change.In a speech commemorating the 50th anniversary of the EPA’s founding, Wheeler said the agency was moving back toward an approach that had long promoted economic growth as well as a healthy environment and drawn bipartisan support.”Unfortunately, in the past decade or so, some members of former administrations and progressives in Congress have elevated single issue advocacy – inmore

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