Pro-Trump Rallies Planned for Saturday in Washington

Demonstrators in support of President Donald Trump are planning to gather in Washington on Saturday, backing the president’s unproven claims of fraud in the November election.Several rallies are scheduled for the day, including a Million MAGA March, a Women for Trump event and a Stop the Steal demonstration, which has leveled unproven claims of voter fraud in the presidential election.Trump has refused to concede the presidential race to former Vice President Joe Biden, the projected winner of the Nov. 3 election, citing irregularities in several swing states. State election officials have reported no serious irregularities with the vote that wouldmore

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Trump Legal Efforts Falter in Bid to Undo Biden’s Presumptive Victory

U.S. President Donald Trump’s legal battles to undo Democrat Joe Biden’s presumptive victory in the Nov. 3 presidential election faltered Friday as courts pushed back against allegations of voting irregularities and fraud.A Michigan judge rejected a bid by Republican Party supporters to prevent the certification of election results in the predominantly Democratic Detroit area, undercutting the prospects of a similar lawsuit filed by the Trump campaign.In Pennsylvania, another judge dismissed a series of Trump lawsuits challenging the validity of several thousand mail-in ballots, while in Arizona the Trump campaign dropped a lawsuit over the election results, acknowledging that Biden’s lead wasmore

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New US Diplomat: South Sudan Policy Unlikely to Change

U.S. government policy toward South Sudan isn’t expected to change regardless of the new presidential administration, according to Jon Danilowicz, the new U.S. charge d’affaires to South Sudan.He said the top priority will remain restoring peace and stability in the country. U.S. President-elect Joe Biden has been declared the winner, but President Donald Trump has so far refused to concede. Some mail ballots are still being counted.This week at his first news conference at the U.S. Embassy since arriving in Juba nearly two months ago, Danilowicz said there has been bipartisan consensus between Democrats and Republicans on U.S. policy towardmore

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Trump’s Appeal to Many Hispanics Helped Keep Election Close

Although projected to lose the U.S. election, President Donald Trump made the race closer than expected, in part by gaining a higher percentage of minority voters than in 2016, especially among in the growing Latino or Hispanic population. VOA’s Brian Padden reports on increasing political diversity of this rapidly growing ethnic minority, which has increased from 16% to 18% of the U.S. population in the last decade according to the Pew Research Center.  Camera: Vero Balderas Iglesias     Producer: Brian Padden …

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Latest US Presidential Race Projections: Trump Wins North Carolina, Biden Wins Arizona

U.S. news outlets on Friday called the Southeastern U.S. state of North Carolina for President Donald Trump, a day after projecting that President-elect Joe Biden would win the Southwestern state of Arizona.The latest calls in the presidential race gave Biden a projected 290 votes in the Electoral College to Trump’s 232 votes.Biden had previously cleared the 270-vote threshold needed to win the White House, paving the way for his inauguration on January 20. Trump has refused to acknowledge defeat in the presidential race and has leveled unproven claims of widespread voter fraud.FILE – Poll workers assist voters on a brisk fallmore

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