Trump Wants Supreme Court to Overturn Pennsylvania Election Results

Undeterred by dismissals and admonitions from judges, President Donald Trump’s campaign continued with its unprecedented efforts to overturn the results of the November 3 election Sunday, saying it had filed a new petition with the Supreme Court.The petition seeks to reverse a trio of Pennsylvania Supreme Court cases having to do with mail-in ballots and asks the court to reject voters’ will and allow the Pennsylvania General Assembly to pick its own slate of electors.While the prospect of the highest court in the land throwing out the results of a democratic election based on unfounded charges of voter fraud ismore

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Georgia Republicans Debate Whether to Vote in Runoff Elections

As the U.S. state of Georgia begins early voting in a pair of runoff elections that will determine party control of the U.S. Senate, many Republicans are debating whether to vote in a system they believe to be fraudulent.“I think the presidential election was rigged,” Georgia resident Kyle Huneycutt, a Republican voter, told VOA, referring to the November 3 election that saw Joe Biden, a Democrat, defeat Republican President Donald Trump. “And I have very little confidence in Georgia’s capacity to conduct a fair and accurate election in January, either.”A POLITICO/Morning Consult survey from last month showed that even thoughmore

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Deal on Fed Removes Obstacle to US COVID Relief

Top congressional lawmakers struck a late-night agreement on the last major obstacle to a COVID-19 economic relief package costing nearly $1 trillion, clearing the way for votes as early as Sunday.A Democratic aide said in an email that an agreement had been reached late Saturday and that compromise language was being finalized to seal a deal to be unveiled on Sunday.The breakthrough involved a fight over Federal Reserve emergency powers that was defused by an odd couple: the Senate’s top Democrat and a senior conservative Republican.“We’re getting very close, very close,” Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said earlier Saturday asmore

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Pentagon Plan on Cyber Split Draws Strong Hill Criticism 

The Pentagon is proposing to end an arrangement in which a single military officer leads two of the nation’s main cybersecurity organizations, a move that a leading Democrat said Saturday makes him “profoundly concerned” amid a large-scale hacking campaign on U.S. government computer systems.Representative Adam Smith, chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, said in a letter to acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller that he objected to the way the Pentagon was going about splitting off U.S. Cyber Command from the National Security Agency.Both organizations currently are headed by Army General Paul Nakasone, an arrangement known as “dual-hatting.””Any action tomore

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