Thousands March for Fair, Easy Access to Vote for All

Thousands of Americans gathered Saturday in Washington to demand federal legislation to protect voting rights. Saqib Islam reports from the protest, March On for Voting Rights, which also marked the 58th anniversary of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s historic “I Have a Dream” speech on the National Mall.  Camera: Saqib Ul Islam           Producer: Saqib Ul Islam …

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Growing Hostility to Afghan Refugees Shows GOP Divide

As the U.S. rushes to evacuate Americans and allies from the chaos of Afghanistan, a growing number of Republicans are questioning why the U.S. should take in Afghan citizens who worked side by side with Americans, further exacerbating divides within the party heading into next year’s midterm elections.  Little more than a week ago, as the Taliban’s stunning takeover of Afghanistan still was snapping into focus, former President Donald Trump issued a statement saying that “civilians and others who have been good to our Country … should be allowed to seek refuge.” But in more recent days, he has turned tomore

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