Democrats’ Chances in November Elections Seen as Improving

When Democrats took over the presidency and scored razor-thin majorities in both houses of Congress in 2021, the general expectation was that their hold on Washington’s levers of power came with an expiration date. Conventional wisdom and U.S. election history suggested that in the 2022 midterm elections, Republicans were likely to take over the House, the Senate, or both.    Now, though, it’s beginning to look like President Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats may have at least a chance to buck history and extend their control of the federal government for another two years. To be clear, the oddsmore

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Biden Talks Tough on Guns and Crime

U.S. President Joe Biden visited the swing state of Pennsylvania on Tuesday to defend his record on gun safety and unveil his $37 billion “Safer America” crime prevention plan that the White House said will “save lives and make communities safer.” “When it comes to public safety in the United States, the answer is not defund the police. It’s to fund the police,” Biden said, distancing himself from calls by some members of the progressive wing of the Democratic Party to take away police departments’ funding. Biden called out Republicans for opposing his proposal to restore a ban on assault-stylemore

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