McCarthy Finally Wins US House Speakership

It took 15 tries and five days, but California Congressman Kevin McCarthy has been elected speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. After the 14th ballot there was a move to adjourn until Monday, but that vote also failed after Republicans changed tactics and decided on a 15th effort to elect a new leader. A band of 20 right-wing lawmakers had blocked McCarthy on previous ballots because they believe he is not conservative enough. In an unusual confrontation, McCarthy had exchanged words with Republican Representative Matt Gaetz of Florida on the floor of the house chamber after the 14th ballotmore

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House Republicans Hold 14th Vote on House Speaker 

The U.S. House of Representatives has failed on a 14th ballot to elect a new speaker. A band of 20 right-wing lawmakers has successfully blocked California Congressman Kevin McCarthy over four days of voting from becoming speaker because they believe he is not conservative enough. McCarthy gained backing earlier Friday from 15 of the holdouts, coming up just a few votes short of the majority he needs to win the speakership. He must receive 218 votes to win the job, if all 434 current members of the House vote. McCarthy’s path to winning depends on how many lawmakers are presentmore

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