Is the ‘Death of the Humanities’ Real?

Between 2012 and 2018, U.S. enrollment in humanities majors dropped by over 14%. Many students think that the humanities, like history or English, won’t get them a good job or aren’t relevant to their interests. But the true picture may be less dire. Some colleges are bringing their humanities programs into the 21st century, and students are responding in earnest, as Johanna Alonso of Inside Higher Ed reports. (April 2023) …

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Everyone Agrees Campus ‘Free Speech’ Is in Crisis – but What Exactly do They Mean by Free Speech?

Republicans in Congress convened a hearing on free speech, calling witnesses who claimed new language rules and diversity requirements have made healthy disagreement impossible. Democrats countered by noting Republican efforts to restrict public school curricula and ban books from public libraries. Eva Surovell of the Chronicle of Higher Education analyzes the debate. …

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Why Are Fewer Americans Enrolling in Community College?

Community colleges offer two-year degrees, which are often meant to be a steppingstone to a full bachelor’s degree. But nearly half of two-year community college students drop out, and the number of students enrolling has plummeted by 37% since 2010. Some would-be students are taking advantage of a lucrative job market before school; others are questioning the value of college in the first place. Read the story from Jon Marcus of the Hechinger Report, published by the Associated Press. (April 2023) …

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