Playing Violin in Kenya Can Get You Into Yale, so Why Are We Defunding Arts Education?

The New York Times spotlights a Kenyan student whose commitment to music and creative writing won her a spot at the prestigious school, where she is studying to be a journalist. Despite such stories, countries around the world are spending less on the subject, and many have no official arts programs for students at all. The reason? Societies still don’t understand the intellectual and emotional benefits. Ginanne Brownell has more. (May 2023) …

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In Town Hall, Trump Digs in on Election Lies, Downplays Capitol Riot

During a tense CNN town hall Wednesday, former President Donald Trump dug in on his lies about the 2020 election, downplayed the violence on Jan. 6, 2021, and repeatedly insulted a woman in response to a civil jury’s finding this week that he was liable in sexually assaulting her. During the contentious back-and-forth in early voting New Hampshire — where moderator Kaitlan Collins sometimes struggled to fact-check his misstatements in real time — Trump continued to insist the election had been rigged, even though state and federal election officials, his own campaign and White House aides, and numerous courts havemore

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