Despite Equity Issues, Internships Are Still Worth It 

Did you know that undergraduate students who finished a paid internship are more than twice as likely to finish college with a job offer as those without any internship experience? That’s just one of the points raised by Noah Isenberg in his op-ed. Despite persistent diversity issues with internships, especially the fact that poorer students often cannot afford to work for free, they remain an essential “real-world” experience for students, he claims. Read the argument from Isenberg, an associate dean at the University of Texas at Austin, in the Chronicle of Higher Education. (October 2023) …

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Police Investigate Fentanyl-Filled Envelopes Sent to US Election Offices

Authorities were hunting Thursday for whoever sent suspicious letters — including some containing fentanyl — to elections offices in at least five states this week, delaying the counting of ballots in some local races in the latest instance of threats faced by election workers around the country. The letters were sent to elections offices in the presidential battlegrounds of Georgia and Nevada, as well as California, Oregon and Washington, with some being intercepted before they arrived. Four of the letters contained fentanyl, the FBI and U.S. Postal Inspection Service reported in a statement to elections officials Thursday. “Law enforcement ismore

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