With House speaker at his side, Trump suggests Ukraine aid should be loan

washington — An inexperienced House speaker facing a brewing intraparty rebellion as he seeks bipartisan compromise to push through defense funding for Ukraine and Israel got a boost on Friday from the presumptive Republican party presidential nominee, Donald Trump. “He’s doing a really good job under very tough circumstances,” Trump, at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, said at the start of a news conference with House Speaker Mike Johnson. Trump suggested Republicans push for making additional U.S. military aid to Ukraine “in the form of a loan rather than a gift.” Johnson, a Republican congressman from the state of Louisiana whomore

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President Biden continues group diplomacy strategy

U.S. President Joe Biden this week welcomed the prime minister of Japan and the president of the Philippines to the White House to discuss security in the Indo-Pacific region. VOA Senior Washington Correspondent Carolyn Presutti compares Biden’s security policies with those of his 2024 presidential opponent Donald Trump. …

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