Бригада Нацгвардії Київської області безпідставно нараховувала собі бойові премії

СБУ викрила «тилових» командирів Нацгвардії, які незаконно присвоїли собі майже 14 млн «бойових» премій. Військова контррозвідка Служби безпеки спільно з ДБР та за сприяння нового керівництва Національної гвардії викрила у лавах Нацгвардії ще одну «схему» безпідставного нарахування премій за нібито участь у боях на передовій. Цього разу на оборудках з державними грошима викрито командування однієї з бригад військового формування, яка дислокується на Київщині. З першого дня повномасштабного вторгнення рф і до серпня 2022 року фігуранти незаконно «преміювали» себе на загальну суму майже 14 млн бюджетних гривень. Посадовці безпідставно нараховували собі та своїм підлеглим щомісячну доплату у розмірі 100 тис. грн,more

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НАБУ викрило п’ятьох дегенератів із заволодіння 1200 га державних земель під Києвом

НАБУ викрило розкрадання земель під Києвом вартістю майже 2 млрд грн. 15 серпня 2023 року НАБУ і САП викрили 5 осіб – учасників організованої групи, яка заволоділа земельними ділянками під Києвом площею понад 1200 га. Їх дії призвели до заподіяння понад 1,8 млрд грн збитків державі. Серед підозрюваних: – колишній заступник керівника ДП «Головний науково-дослідний та проектний інститут Землеустрою» — організатор схеми; – двоє колишніх посадовців ГУ Держгеокадастру в Київській області – виконавці злочину (один із них – наразі керівник одного з ЦОВВ); – двоє фізичних осіб, пов’язаних із екскерівництвом Держгеокадастру – пособники злочину. Дії осіб кваліфіковані за ч. 5more

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Очільник Нацполіції України Іван Вигівський проти надання зброї українцям

У Нацполіції вважають, що українці готові до легалізації зброї. Водночас службовець проти носіння “короткостволів” на вулицях. Наразі суспільство більше готове до легалізації зброї, ніж раніше. Про це заявив очільник Національної поліції України Іван Вигівський. Водночас, очільник Нацполіції виступає проти носіння “короткостволів” посеред вулиці. За його словами, у людей має бути культура поводження зі зброєю. До прикладу, її можна надавати тим, хто вже має певний досвід володіння зброєю. Під час напрацювання законопроєкту, в якому розглядається питання володіння короткоствольною вогнепальною зброєю для всіх категорій громадян, неодноразово збирались з правоохоронним комітетом Верховної Ради, обговорювали це питання в робочих групах, зазначив очільник Нацполіції. Єmore

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Актор гліб михайличенко, який раніше виступав для ЗСУ, втік до кацапів

Актор, який грав у київському Театрі юного глядача на Липках, тепер працює на російську компанію, що спеціалізується на створенні інтерв’ю та інших комерційних відеороликів і навіть знімається в рекламі цієї компанії. При цьому на початку повномасштабного російського вторгнення Гліб Михайличенко виступав для бійців ЗСУ. «А коли актор в 2022 їздить з концертами до наших військових, а в 2023 опиняється в росіі. Це як? Мені хтось може пояснити що там в голові? Яка ж мудра казочка Фарбований Лис, і скільки ще чарівних перевтілень до і після Перемоги очікує нас», — прокоментувала Римма Зюбіна. Керівництво театру також висловилося про Михайличенка, який зрадивmore

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Republican Party Consolidates Control of Deep South Statehouses

NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA — The January 8 inauguration of Jeff Landry as Louisiana governor consolidates Republican Party control of statehouses in America’s Deep South and the region’s shift to more conservative governance. Nearly 60% of Louisiana voters chose Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election. Republicans are ready for change at the statehouse in Baton Rouge. As a candidate and as the state’s attorney general, Landry backed banning gender-affirming medical care for transgender youths, expanding rights for gun owners and enacting a near-total abortion ban without exceptions for rape and incest. “I’m tired of the government doing everything for everybody, becausemore

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California Expanding Health Care for Low-Income Immigrants in 2024

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — More than 700,000 immigrants living illegally in California will gain access to free health care starting Monday under one of the state’s most ambitious coverage expansions in a decade. It’s an effort that will eventually cost the state about $3.1 billion per year and inches California closer to Democrats’ goal of providing universal health care to its roughly 39 million residents. Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom and lawmakers agreed in 2022 to provide health care access to all low-income adults regardless of their immigration status through the state’s Medicaid program, known as Medi-Cal. California is the most populous statemore

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Retirements Could Tip Control of US House Majority

WASHINGTON — A chaotic year for the House is coming to a close with more Democrats than Republicans deciding to leave the chamber, a disparity that could have major ramifications in next year’s elections. About two dozen Democrats have indicated they won’t seek reelection, with half running for another elected office. Meanwhile, only 14 Republicans have said they are not seeking another term, with three seeking elected office elsewhere. More retirements can be expected after the holidays, when lawmakers have had a chance to spend time with families and make decisions ahead of reelection deadlines. But so far, the numbers don’tmore

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Maine Bars Trump From Ballot, Cites 14th Amendment

portland, maine — Maine’s Democratic secretary of state on Thursday removed former President Donald Trump from the state’s presidential primary ballot under the Constitution’s insurrection clause, becoming the first election official to take action unilaterally as the U.S. Supreme Court is poised to decide whether Trump remains eligible to continue his campaign. The decision by Secretary of State Shenna Bellows follows a ruling earlier this month by the Colorado Supreme Court that booted Trump from the ballot there under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. That decision has been stayed until the U.S. Supreme Court decides whether Trump is barred bymore

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Tuberville Ending Blockade of Most US Military Nominees

U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville announced on Tuesday that he’s ending his blockade of hundreds of military promotions, following heavy criticism from many of his colleagues in the Senate and clearing the way for hundreds to be approved. Tuberville maintained that his blockade of military promotions was over a dispute about a Pentagon abortion policy. The Alabama Republican said Tuesday he’s “not going to hold the promotions of these people any longer.” Almost 400 military nominations have been in limbo due to Tuberville’s blanket hold on confirmations and promotions for senior military officers. It’s a stance that has left key nationalmore

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Judge Rejects Trump’s Claim of Immunity from Criminal Charges

A U.S. judge on Friday said Donald Trump does not have immunity from criminal charges for actions he took as president, rejecting a bid by the Republican to toss out the case accusing him of conspiring to overturn his 2020 election loss. U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan in Washington found there was no legal basis for concluding that U.S. presidents cannot face criminal charges once they are no longer in office. Trump, the frontrunner for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, can immediately appeal the ruling, which could delay the trial while an appeals court and potentially the Supreme Court weighmore

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US Congressman Santos Refuses to Resign, Says Expulsion Would Set Precedent

In his closing arguments for remaining a member of the House, a defiant Representative George Santos depicted himself as a victim of a smear campaign by some of his colleagues and made clear that he would not resign before a vote Friday on whether he should be expelled. The first-term Republican congressman from New York could well become just the sixth member of the House to have been ousted by colleagues. While Santos survived two earlier expulsion efforts, a critical House Ethics Committee report released on November 16 has convinced more members that his actions merit the House’s most severemore

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Biden Takes ‘Bidenomics’ to Colorado, Hits ‘MAGA’ Republicans

U.S. President Joe Biden on Wednesday will tout his “Bidenomics” agenda, contrasting his economic vision with that of so-called “MAGA” Republicans, in remarks at CS Wind, the world’s largest wind tower manufacturer, in Pueblo, Colorado. CS Wind is expanding with a new $190 million facility that it directly attributes to the passage of 2022’s Inflation Reduction Act, Biden’s signature climate and energy bill. The company said the expansion is set to be completed in 2028 and will create 850 jobs. Pueblo is a district represented by Republican Representative Lauren Boebert, a supporter of former President Donald Trump’s Make America Greatmore

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Colorado Judge Keeps Trump on Primary Ballot, Uncertain on General Election

A judge in the U.S. state of Colorado on Friday allowed Donald Trump to remain on the ballot in the state’s election next year, rejecting a bid to disqualify the former president over his actions before the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol by his supporters. The ruling from Judge Sarah Wallace, which is almost certain to be appealed, is a victory for Trump who is fighting a series of challenges to his candidacy under a rarely used provision of the U.S. Constitution that bars officials who have engaged in “insurrection or rebellion” from holding federal office. Themore

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Former US First Lady Rosalynn Carter, 96, Enters Hospice Care

Former U.S. first lady Rosalynn Carter is in hospice care at home in Plains, Georgia, the Carter Center announced Friday. The center said the 96-year-old is at home with former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, now 99. The Carter family said through the statement that they are “grateful for the outpouring of love and support.” The family announced earlier this year that the former first lady is suffering from dementia. The former president entered hospice care at home in February. They have been married for more than 77 years, through his rise from their Georgia farm to his election to themore

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US Congress Approves Deal, Pushing Shutdown Threat to January

Ending the threat of a government shutdown until after the holidays, Congress gave final approval Wednesday night to a temporary government funding package that pushes a confrontation over the federal budget into the new year. The Senate met into the night to pass the bill with an overwhelming 87-11 tally and send it to President Joe Biden for his signature one day after it passed the House on an overwhelming bipartisan vote. It provides a funding patch into next year, when the House and Senate will be forced to confront — and somehow overcome — their considerable differences over what fundingmore

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US House Speaker Johnson Floats Measure to Avert Gov’t Shutdown

U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Mike Johnson unveiled a Republican stopgap spending measure Saturday, aimed at averting a government shutdown, but the measure quickly ran into opposition from lawmakers from both parties in Congress. “This two-step continuing resolution is a necessary bill to place House Republicans in the best position to fight for conservative victories,” Johnson said in a statement after announcing the plan to House Republicans in a conference call. The House and Democratic-led Senate must agree on a spending vehicle that President Joe Biden can sign into law by Nov. 17, or risk a fourth partial government shutdownmore

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In Veterans Day Tribute, Biden Says US Vets Are ‘Steel Spine’ of Nation

President Joe Biden said America’s veterans are “the steel spine of this nation” as he marked Veterans Day during a visit to Arlington National Cemetery.  In remarks at the Memorial Amphitheater, the commander in chief recounted famous battles fought by U.S. troops and said those deployments of soldiers are “linked in a chain of honor that stretches back to our founding days. Each one bound by a sacred oath to support and defend. Not a place, not a person, not a president, but an idea, to defend an idea unlike any other in human history. That idea is the Unitedmore

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Trump Pushes for Federal Election Interference Case to be Televised

Donald Trump is pushing for his federal election interference trial in Washington to be televised, joining media outlets that say the American public should be able to watch the historic case unfold.  Federal court rules prohibit broadcasting proceedings, but The Associated Press and other news organizations say the unprecedented case of a former president standing trial on accusations that he tried to subvert the will of voters — warrants making an exception.  The Justice Department is opposing the effort, arguing that the judge overseeing the case does not have the authority to ignore the long-standing nationwide policy against cameras inmore

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High-Profile Third-Party Candidates Crowd Into US Presidential Field

When West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin announced Thursday that he will not seek reelection in 2024, speculation immediately turned to whether or not the centrist Democrat is considering a third-party bid for the presidency. If Manchin does decide to mount an outside challenge to the candidates nominated by the Democratic and Republican parties, he won’t be alone. When U.S. voters go to the polls to elect a president in 2024, they may be confronted with more familiar names on the ballot than they are used to seeing, as relatively high-profile third-party candidates seek to take advantage of a year inmore

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US House Republicans Plan Shutdown-Averting Measure Amid Credit Warning

U.S. House of Representatives Republicans aim to release a stopgap measure to avert a partial government shutdown Saturday, the morning after the Moody’s credit agency lowered its outlook on the government’s credit ratings to “negative.”  A knowledgeable source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said plans for the release of the continuing resolution, or “CR,” were still in flux. It was also unclear what form the measure would take.   U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson has spent days in talks with members of his slim 221-212 Republican majority about several CR options. The Republican-controlled House and Democratic-led Senate must agreemore

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Police Investigate Fentanyl-Filled Envelopes Sent to US Election Offices

Authorities were hunting Thursday for whoever sent suspicious letters — including some containing fentanyl — to elections offices in at least five states this week, delaying the counting of ballots in some local races in the latest instance of threats faced by election workers around the country. The letters were sent to elections offices in the presidential battlegrounds of Georgia and Nevada, as well as California, Oregon and Washington, with some being intercepted before they arrived. Four of the letters contained fentanyl, the FBI and U.S. Postal Inspection Service reported in a statement to elections officials Thursday. “Law enforcement ismore

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Republican Presidential Candidates Back Israel at Latest Debate

Five Republicans hoping to be their party’s candidate in next year’s U.S. presidential election debated Wednesday night, expressing support for Israel in its war against Hamas, while clashing over China and Russia. Not appearing on the debate stage in Miami was Republican front-runner Donald Trump, who is seeking to return to the White House after losing the 2020 election. Trump has not appeared at any of the three Republican debates, and while holding his own rally nearby on Wednesday called the event with his competitors “unwatchable.” Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who appears a distant second place in opinion polls, saidmore

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Republican Debate Candidates Narrow to 5

The third Republican presidential debate took place Wednesday in Miami, Florida, featuring fewer candidates than past debates. The candidates tried to set themselves apart from each other and from front-runner Donald Trump with several international issues. VOA’s Senior Washington Correspondent Carolyn Presutti brings us the highlights. …

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