President Donald Trump’s threat to veto a defense bill if it does not repeal legal protections for social media companies faced stiff bipartisan opposition Wednesday, setting the stage for a confrontation with lawmakers scrambling to pass the massive bill by year’s end. Unusually, members of his Republican Party broke from Trump to join Democrats in objecting to his threat to veto the annual National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA, a $740 billion annual bill setting policy for the Pentagon, if it does not include a measure eliminating a federal law — known as Section 230 — protecting tech companies such as Facebook Inc. and Twitter Inc. FILE – Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla. gives a victory speech at the Republican watch party in Oklahoma City, Nov. 4, 2014.”First of all, 230 has nothing to do with the military. And I agree with his sentiments. We ought to do away with 230, but you can’t do it in this bill. That’s not a part of the bill,” Senator Jim Inhofe, the Republican chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, told reporters. Lawmakers announced on Wednesday that congressional negotiators had completed the conference report on the fiscal 2021 NDAA, a compromise between separate versions of the bill passed earlier this year by the Republican-led Senate and Democratic-majority House of Representatives. Congressional aides said the final version of the NDAA does not include the Section 230 repeal demanded by Trump. The legislation also includes a provision that will strip the names of Confederate generals from military facilities, something that passed both the House and Senate with support from both parties earlier this year but is also opposed by Trump. The president had earlier threatened to veto the NDAA if it did not allow the Confederate names to remain in place. ‘Partisan preferences’ FILE – House Armed Services Committee Chairman Adam Smith, D-Wash., speaks on Capitol Hill in Washington, April 2, 2019.”For 59 straight years, the NDAA has passed because members of Congress and presidents of both parties have set aside their own policy objectives and partisan preferences and put the needs of our military personnel and America’s security first. The time has come to do that again,” Representatives Adam Smith, the House Armed Services Committee’s Democratic chairman, and Mac Thornberry, the panel’s ranking Republican, said in a joint statement. FILE – House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry, R-Texas, speaks during a hearing on Capitol Hill, April 12, 2018.Since it is a conference report, and the result of months of negotiations between members of both parties from both the House and Senate, it cannot be amended. Lawmakers take great pride in passing the NDAA every year. It is a rare major bill seen as “must-pass” because it governs everything from pay raises for service members to how many aircraft, missiles and ships should be purchased to how best to compete with Russia and China. With Congress in session only until the end of the year, the House and Senate are running out of time to finalize the massive bill and avoid breaking the 59-year streak. Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act protects tech companies from liability over content posted by users and has been under attack from Trump and Republican lawmakers, who accuse internet platforms of stifling conservative voices. White House spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany said Trump was serious about his veto threat and wanted to use what leverage he had to repeal the tech protection law. “The president has made clear the importance of 230,” she told a news briefing. FILE – House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer of Maryland speaks during a news conference on health care, on Capitol Hill, Feb. 4, 2020.Steny Hoyer, the No. 2 House Democrat, called Trump’s threat “shameless and indefensible.” Trump and many of his supporters have been calling for the repeal of Section 230 since social media companies began removing or flagging material deemed to be inaccurate, frequently including tweets from Trump. Republican House member Adam Kinzinger summed up the frustration of many with Trump with his own tweet on Wednesday. “I will vote to override. Because it’s really not about you,” Kinzinger wrote. 

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